Saturday, August 13, 2011

Shouldn't we welcome Migrants as people who literally have "Get Up and Go!"?

mos def. it seems strange to me that people can't live whereever the hell they want. What exactly defines this government institution we have set up that somehow can claim the land for itself. Through all the racial, ethnic, religious and political divisions we are all united by the singularity of being human. The native americans put it best when they said we are all children of mother earth and no one can realistically lay claim to the land. That being said, I do not believe illegal immigrants should be granted the privileges and rights of the country by default because the government institution created those rights and may dole them out as it sees fit. The right to live where u want is something universal to all sentient beings as part of the right to pursue happiness as guaranteed by the constitution. That right is something I dont believe this institution can take away. Let them come live and work here, but dont give them the rights of welfare and such, If they commit crimes, send them away. The root of this immigration problem as I see it is not whether or not we should allow illegals here, but rather in helping improve the economic situations of other nations. If mexico could improve its current situation through some international efforts, there would be much less incentive for people to emigrate. U r an idiot if u think America has no such duty. I think we can all agree that standing up for the oppressed and isting others in need is inherently a morally valid course of action. Were not doing it in Africa, we didnt do it when Hitler was running all over Europe, and the trend continues. It is a small world and our duty to each other is one that goes beyond nationality.

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